All Lenovo devices, particularly those with a high market share are subjected to the bad ESN Lenovo. If you happen to have it, it will prevent your device from accessing cellular network services such as SMS, Phone calls, and mobile data. This is a major headache for a lot of users, as it won’t be able to use any services provided by any wireless carrier unless you unlock it. Our main objective with this blog, it’s to share important information and show you how to get it unlocked in two main ways.

What is a bad ESN Lenovo?
ESN stands for Electronic Serial Number, and it is a unique number assigned to every mobile device. The ESN is used by wireless carriers to identify valid devices on their network, and it is mandatory by law to be printed somewhere in the hardware of your Lenovo phone.
How does it work?
Now that you have a more detailed concept of what the ESN is, you must understand that this number works the same as your ID does. As a way to discourage the reselling of fraudulently obtained devices, organizations like the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) allow wireless carriers to block service to devices that have been reported stolen, lost, outstanding balance, or have been blocked for abusive activity. It can also work under CDMA networks but it is a lot more limited as its usage it’s not as popular as a GSM network.
How to check the blacklist status
To check if your Lenovo phone has a blacklisted IMEI, you can do the following:
- Dial *#06# on your phone to display the IMEI number. Make a note of the IMEI number.
- Go to a website that allows you to check the status of the IMEI number, such as IMEI24 or IMEIpro
- Enter the IMEI number in the appropriate field on the website and click on “Check IMEI” or a similar button.
- The website will then perform a check on the IMEI number and display the result. If the IMEI number is blacklisted, it will indicate this on the website.
As this technology relies heavily on an open-sourced database, it is highly recommended that you perform this check on at least 2 different websites. It is common for users to get the wrong information as some websites might have some delays on their APIs.
Is there any other way to check your IMEI number?
If you want to double-check if the IMEI is correct, you will need to follow these steps:
- On your Lenovo phone, go to the “Settings” app.
- Scroll down and tap on “About phone”.
- Scroll down again and tap on “Status”.
- Here, you will see a section called “IMEI” or “IMEI information”. The number listed here is your Lenovo phone’s IMEI number.
It is important to note that the IMEI number is a unique 15-digit number that identifies your phone. It is used to track and block stolen phones, so it is important to know your IMEI number in case your phone is lost or stolen.
How to clean ESN using ESNDoctor
If you want to remove the bad ESN on your Lenovo, ESNDoctor has the right tool for you. All you need to complete your unlock it’s an internet connection, a PC or smartphone, and a few minutes of your time. Please check all the resources available if you have any doubts about this process.
What information do you need?
Before you start your process, it is recommended that you gather the following information to speed up the process. At this point, if you have already checked your IMEI you are basically done with the requirements as the others are fairly easy to obtain. All you need is the following:
- Name
- Email (Double check you have access to it)
- Phone model (Lenovo if you are reading this article)
- IMEI Number (Remember, dial #*06# to obtain it)
Begin your unlocking request
Now that you have all the information needed, it’s time to begin the process. Please fill out all the information that you have already gathered and submit your request on the unlocking app. Make sure to verify everything before starting your unlock, this will guarantee an easy and smooth experience.
Verify and activate your application
You might be asked along the process to verify your application. If you are wondering what this is all about, it is simply a way to prevent unwanted usage of the platform such as reselling or duplicated applications. Don’t worry, a video tutorial will be provided explaining step-by-step on how to complete this simple process.
Enjoy a fully working device
Once the server verifies your order, you will get an email confirming that your request was sent successfully and that your phone is now unlocked. The turnout time for this process may vary depending on the demand of the service, on average this process will only take between 10-30 minutes.
Why using ESNDoctor?
Using ESNDoctor to remove the bad ESN on your phone is a smart and convenient choice for several reasons. First, ESNDoctor is a reliable and trusted service that has helped many people successfully remove the IMEI lock on their blacklisted phones. This means that you can trust ESNDoctor to effectively remove the bad ESN on your phone, allowing you to regain access to your mobile carrier network.
Second, using ESNDoctor is a quick and easy process. All you need to do is provide the IMEI number of your phone, and the ESNDoctor team will take care of the rest. This means that you can quickly and easily remove the IMEI block on your phone without having to spend a lot of time or effort.
Third, ESNDoctor offers a free-to-use service with high levels of security. All data that is received or sent is encrypted to ensure your privacy. Once the application is completed, the information will be erased from the servers to protect your data.
Can a Lenovo tablet be blacklisted?
Yes, a Lenovo tablet can be blacklisted by a mobile carrier if it has a SIM card and is capable of connecting to the carrier’s network. Blacklisting is a process in which a mobile carrier adds a device to a list of devices that are not allowed to connect to its network.
Does this process work on all mobile carriers?
We are proud to unlock hundreds of devices every day, it would be a bold statement to say that this method works on every single carrier around the world. Here is a list of the most popular carriers we unlock daily in the USA:
Can carrier unblacklist a phone?
Depends, if you happen to be the original owner and it was a mistake, it is highly likely that the seller (Carrier) is able to unlock it. This process often requires a lot of paperwork and time. The best way to know, it’s to call your provider and explain the case directly to them.