Unlock KPN Phones: Blacklist Solutions with ESNDoctor!

Unlock KPN Phones: Blacklist Services with ESNDoctor!

If you are looking for an easy-to-understand explanation of why your KPN phone is blacklisted and need a quick solution to unlock it, then keep reading because ESNDoctor has all the answers you need. We have put ourselves to the task of developing an online tool that can unlock KPN phones while explaining to users what a blacklist report is and how they can detect one in the future so it doesn’t happen again. 

Are All Mobile Networks Locked?

Are all Networks Unavailable with a Reported IMEI?
Are all Networks Unavailable with a Reported IMEI?

That’s correct. When a KPN mobile phone is locked because of a report on the blacklist, all networks in the Netherlands and even worldwide will be blocked and restricted for the IMEI associated with it. You can try different data plans, roaming services, or carriers; the result will be the same: no internet connection outside your WiFi. This applies even to KPN, so you won’t have coverage, no matter where you are. 

Why are my Calls and Messages not Working?

Because the IMEI number of your smartphone has been reported, whether it is a false report or not, it will affect your mobile data and your calls and messages since the cellular signal will be restricted as well. With a blacklisted KPN, you won’t be able to make or receive calls, and it will perpetually stay on “Emergency Calls Only” unless you remove the report and clean the IMEI with the issue. 

Can a Factory Reset Remove an IMEI from the Blacklist?

unlock kpn

No, a factory reset won’t change the status of the IMEI since it is not a setting that was activated on the device, and the mobile provider activated it without interfering with your phone. If you reset your device, it will continue to be reported, and the signal will still be down. To fully unlock the device, you need to reach out to your carrier (KPN) or use websites (ESNDoctor) that can clean the IMEI so it can be used normally again. 

Do you need a Code to Clean an IMEI?

Do you need an Online Code to Clean Reported Devices?
Do you need an Online Code to Clean Reported Devices?

The unlock codes are typically used to unlock the network or a SIM card, not to remove a report. Although the method to remove the report is similar to a SIM lock, as both require the IMEI, the internal process is quite different. So basically, if you have a reported device and you see that an online page is giving you a code, check that the site you are using is for a blacklist report and not network unlock, as the code won’t help you with the first. 

Another option is to ask the KPN community about their experiences with blacklisted reports and let them recommend ways to clean an IMEI that doesn’t involve a code. If not, then there is ESNDoctor, the last option that can give you a hand today and answer all your concerns about this lock and how you can remove it in minutes, thanks to our internal servers and fast service response. 

Where can I find my IMEI Number to Unlock it?

unlock kpn

This information can be found in your smartphone’s settings. If you don’t know how to get there, try dialing *#06#; you’ll get a pop-up with this info right away. We recommend writing down this code, as you can use it to consult the report’s status online and, of course, to clean up the restriction, whether you do it with the KPN official tool or via ESNDoctor online services.

Unlock KPN Phones from the Blacklist!

How to Permanently Unlock KPN Phones from the Blacklist
How to Permanently Unlock KPN Phones from the Blacklist

To completely remove the blacklist report, go to ESNDoctor.com and follow the instructions that we have there for you. We only need some data to start the process, so fill in your name, email, manufacturer (Samsung, iPhone, Motorola), and IMEI code. We will send that info to our servers so they can create the request and start looking for the reported IMEI. In the meantime, you will need to create a profile with us to activate the service and continue to the next step. 

When the servers find the IMEI, a link will show up so you can follow the last steps to remove the report (verify the IMEI and your ID); don’t worry—it is not complicated. All you need to do at the end is restart the device for at least 2 minutes so the changes can be saved. After the phone is back, check the connection and apps to ensure everything is working. You can also test the calls and messages and see how they go. 

Will other SIM Cards work with my Mobile Device?

If your device was already network unlocked and without contracts before the blacklisting report, you should be able to change SIM cards without issues. Remember that we only remove blacklisting reports, so if you also need to change your phone number or want to use other carriers in the Netherlands, you need to contact KPN directly for help or look for alternatives that assist with this issue. 

How much is it to Unlock a KPN?

Are KPN Services to Unlock a Device Free?
Are KPN Services to Unlock a Device Free?

Almost all tools to remove a report are free, but that will depend on what type of service you are looking for. If you want to try with KPN, remember that you need to be a customer, be the original owner, and need proof of ownership. Still, they shouldn’t charge you unless you have payment issues. ESNDoctor is also free; you don’t need to buy anything for it to work, and it gives you a permanent solution for any manufacturer

Is ESNDoctor Functional Across the Netherlands?

That’s right; our servers work in any part of the Netherlands without issues. Also, if you are in another country, we will be available no matter the time or the zone. We have worldwide coverage and are ready to assist any user with their blacklisted device. We will answer all the questions and provide the best service, so anyone across the country or the world can completely eliminate this report. 

ESNDoctor is the perfect solution for anyone with a blacklist report, as we only need an internet connection and a valid email address to start working. With that, we will clean any type of lock associated with this reporting database in any kind of phone, from Android to iOS

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